10 Fun & Productive Bucket List Ideas 💡For the Pandemic Era 🌏✊

Bucket Lists make Life exciting isn’t it …Well,the pandemic is here ,but I should remind you ,Life still goes on…..

🌺 So why not enjoy it ?

Here are 10 Productive, Meaningful Bucket List ideas that you can try ,starting Right Now !


1. Make a Blanket fort and finish a coloring book: 💡

Sounds stupid ? Yes ,but this is the best time for Letting your inner child out ..we’ve got plenty of time,so I think there’s no better time than this !

Advantage: ✨Life is monotonous right now,let down that stress for a while ,increase your dopamine and Increase your Happiness while bonding with your family.

2. Learn a new Language :💡

Learning Languages is fun when you get to actually use that skill ,isn’t it…Languages open doors for exciting careers and beautiful cultures,whilst developing your Brain.

Adv✨: Explore new cultures .

Improves memory and concentration and etc..

P.s you can do it for free and pretty easily.There are numerous apps and websites including Duolingo,Harvard and Stanford sites that offer you numerous amounts of free courses ,not just Languages✊💡.

3.Find your Style :💡

There’s plenty of time to explore and experiment with new styles,so why not find yours?✨🌸

4.Take up the Read 50 Non-Fiction Books 📚 Challenge

💡Sounds Boring? Well,I though too first ,but when you know what you’re interested it won’t be boring as you 💭 🧐think.

Trust me ,I’m a reader and I thought this idea was Lame until I actually found my interests and listed down some international best sellers that Matches my ambitions and interests.

😏Guess what? I have only about 15 books left now 😌and the Knowledge i gained from them ,Wow 🦁i never expected that!

(P.s did you know that smartness is pretty attractive & you can also download any book for free on Z-Libray )

5.Go on a Social Media Detox :💡

Hard ? Well,this one’s worth it…Try one day skipping social media which also includes YouTube alright 😅… If you do it,well !You just proved that You are someone who can do anything that they think!Congratulations 💕You got this.

🌲Freedom 🙏

6. Watch the sunrise while truly feeling the bliss 💡

I know you’ve been dreaming to do this,probably with your friends on New Year’s Day but this time ,I’ll say “Do it alone”and not just groggily watch it ,

watch like it’s the first time you’ve seen the sun ,the first time you ever saw the sun rays and the sunshine and be amazed because “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder .”⛅️🌞

There’s Beauty in Nature 🌸

7.Decorate your Room just the way you want it 🌾🌺

Ever wanted a Bohomian classic Bedroom or Wanted to have it Aesthetic 🍂🌻💫,so try it or maybe you could try diy makeovers.

🍀There are plenty of ideas on the internet and pretty inexpensive and easy bedroom makeovers ,so why not get going 🐲…

8. Climb a tree 💡

No literally,go climb a tree 🌳, No I mean it when are you planning to do all this fun stuff…

Well,if you’re waiting till the Pandemic’s over ,guess we’ll have a lot of catching up to do with back to normal sessions with the usual routine of school,work and etc.,that they’re will be no time for this kind of 🤩FUN!!!

9. Learn to Cook a whole-meal 💡💐

Maybe you’ve already tried it ,guess that was useless ha ..🍛

10. Publish a book,let alone publishing ,start writing one💡

I know you’re probably laughing at the idea but Trust me you can do it…You’re probably like“that’s not gonna work,I’m not a writer” 🧋

Let me tell you something ,no one was ever born a writer or whatever they are write now,they all had an idea ,executed it and did it with Perseverance.

It doesn’t have to be a 500 page novel ,it could be a book of your favorite quotes ,a book in essays ,a book on something your passionate about ,it could be about Anything.

So that’s it for today ,Hope you found it Useful 🌺

Stay blessed ,Keep reading 📖,

With Love ,

🌺The girl boss hustle.

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